Diabetes and Hypoglycemia
Diabetes and pre-diabetes are huge and growing issues in our country. Many times people get their blood sugar checked and it’s in the pre-diabetic range, and nothing is done!
Have you ever wanted just a little bite of chocolate or another sweet after a meal? Do you have a harder time controlling your appetite in the evening? If you answered yes to either of these questions, or if your belly hits the wall before the rest of you does, chances are you have something called insulin resistance. This means that your body doesn’t process sugar well, and it just gets stored as fat. The problem is that unless you’re diagnosed with diabetes, there’s not a drug that you’ll get prescribed. Fortunately, there are many non-prescription options. Did you know that nutrients called vanadium and chromium actually work like insulin to help your sugar get processed? Also, fiber also helps stabilize blood sugar. At our office we have a special type of fiber that has been shown to help really stabilize even the most variable blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and assist with weight loss.