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Nursing 3

The best way to ensure copious milk production is to schedule help for your new expanded family when the baby comes. Have a friend bring over a warm meal, or another one to help with laundry. Your husband will be doing the dishes and all other chores. Your only job is to put your feet up and eat and drink and nurse. If you’ve been doing too many chores or you’ve been stressed, skin to skin contact with baby in bed is recommended. Get some books and drinks and stay with your baby in bed for a few days. Only leave the bed to use the bathroom and to eat. Otherwise, rest!

Nursing 2

Second, you need to make sure you are eating enough for two people! The more you eat, the more milk you can make. Make sure that you are eating food that you would be comfortable feeding to a baby for it to grow strong and healthy (ie. not fast food). Lastly, you need to rest. The more stress you have, the less milk you will make. It has even been shown that mental work (doing math problems, for example), causes women to have less milk. Even noisy environments can cause enough stress to lower milk production. The answer? Read the next post.


For any moms suffering from low milk production, have hope! Your body can create the milk you need. But, you have to be willing to take certain steps. First, if you don’t have kidney problems, you need to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water daily, plus whatever you are losing to lactation. If you drink caffeine in tea or coffee, or you are exercising and perspiring, you have to drink more. Drink one cup of water for every cup of coffee or tea.

PMS–the new normal 2

Really, any symptom that occurs monthly in women is considered hormonal, whether this means acne, food cravings, tearfulness, bloating, or anything. But is taking hormones in the form of a pill the answer? Yes, you may need more of a certain hormone, but actually most women need LESS estrogen. With homeopathy women can balance hormones and make the right amount that they need for their own body!

Kids and Depression–Unnecessary Tragedies

Our country has seen a number of tragic events performed by our children and young adults recently, freshest in our minds being the school shooting in Newtown, CT. Did you know that 9 out of the last 13 school shooters were on or were withdrawing from one of these medications? And, the records of the remaining four children were sealed to the press. The saddest part is that all this is preventable.

As of this writing, Adam Lanza’s toxicity report has not been released. However, according to CNN contributer Sanjay Gupta, MD, over 11,000 incidents of violence related to drug side effects over a 7-year period. Teenagers and young adults seem especially vulnerable to this type of side effect.

Safe, affordable homeopathic remedies help restore balance in your child’s nervous system, and are individually prescribed based on your child’s unique symptoms. They address the cause of the issue, whether a physical brain chemistry imbalance, or a mental-emotional stressor. Gently, they then stimulate your child’s body to heal itself. Research shows that homeopathy is affective for ADHD, and there are no side effects! You trust that when your child scrapes his knee, that it will heal. The same is true in the brain, and homeopathy simply stimulates that healing response.