Category: <span>Blog</span>

Newborn feeding

I recently read an article by La Leche League that deserves to be shared with you. You will learn the most important parts of breastfeeding and why many factors in current hospital delivery can make it more difficult for baby to nurse. Do you know to what location the baby should be delivered? It’s actually mom’s chest/abdomen. The baby has been hearing your heartbeat for 9 months, and the sound of your heartbeat is soothing.

Homeopathy at every stage 2

The last post dealt with a terminal case of hepatitis. Homeopathy can help people truly reverse disease, but the amount that they can reverse the disease before the disease overtakes the person is a balance that is different for every person. A person with stage IV cancer, on the right remedy, can have less pain, and her family members can see the color return to her face, on the right homeopathic remedy. Some people with stage IV cancer can recover, but even if that is not the goal, a well-chosen homeopathic remedy can bring more balance to the body, resulting in fewer symptoms and an increased quality of life. And that is truly the goal of any health care provider.

Homeopathy at every stage 1

Homeopathy stimulates the body to become more in balance. Although we tend to be more out of balance with age, things like eating well, managing stress, and getting enough sleep can help bring us into balance. It truly is possible to add health and balance at any age or stage of disease. For example, a colleague of mine reported the case of a terminally ill man with hepatitis. He was unable to be coherent enough to speak with his family. After the medical doctor gave the appropriate homeopathic remedy, he was able to be lucid for a few minutes. His family was able to say their goodbyes. Homeopathy didn’t cure his hepatitis, but it enabled him and his family to have some powerful moments.

Ready to call the pediatrician? 3

Not only does homeopathy help your sick child feel better quickly, but you avoid the viscous circle of antibiotics, followed by resolution of symptoms, followed by another infection. Homeopathy doesn’t kill bacteria; rather it increases your child’s ability to kill bacteria on her own, so that when the next infection comes around, she’ll be stronger and ready to fight it quickly. Getting sick is a normal, even healthy part of childhood, and homeopathy can make it as painless as possible.

Ready to call the pediatrician? 2

Homeopathic remedies help you child feel better quickly. In fact, if your child is on the correct remedy for his or her symptoms, you should notice changes within a few hours, or even sooner, as the child begins to heal. It is important to be in contact with your Naturopath or Homeopath to ensure that your child’s condition is progressing well. If not, a different remedy will be recommended. Fortunately, children’s symptom pictures tend to be straightforward, and children tend to recover rapidly.