Category: <span>Blog</span>

Ready to call the pediatrician? 1

Childhood illnesses like colds, flus, ear infections, and stomaches are all common reasons parents call their child’s doctor. Fortunately, they all respond well to gentle therapies like homeopathy and botanical medicine. A qualified practitioner will evaluate your child to see if any laboratory studies or imaging studies (such as xrays) may be needed to diagnose your child’s condition. For common conditions, this is generally not necessary unless they fail to resolve in a reasonable time frame. Homeopathic remedies not only help your child recover from the illnesses above, but they also prevent side effects from drugs like antibiotics, which can include diarrhea, yeast infection, bladder issues, and bacterial resistance.


Parkinsons #1–info you must know about the levodopa and Sinemet

Parkinson’s disease is a devastating disease affecting both men and women. The involuntary movements make even the smallest daily activities tough for these patients. The medications can work wonders to help patients gain control of their movements. However, these same medications actually decrease the body’s ability to make dopamine, the chemical that Parkinson’s patients are lacking. Patients, over time, will need increasing doses of their medications. Not only do the medications do nothing to stop the progress of the disease, they actually make the disease progress more quickly. The medications also deplete glutathione in the brain, which is a chemical responsible for antioxidant power, or anti-aging.

Kids and Depression–Natural SSRIs?

Many patients with depression are on medications called SSRIs, selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors. They increase the amount of available serotonin, which is a hormone that helps keep us in a good mood. Some SSRIs help many people, while others have been shown to be no more effective than placebo. Still SSRIs are not the whole picture. For example, we need certain vitamins to help make serotonin. Deficiencies of these, not surprisingly, can lead to depression. One vitamin involved in this cascade is the B vitamin B-6, found in fish, seeds, bananas and nuts. Oral contraceptives decrease the available amount of this vitamin so be sure to keep it maintained with these foods or a supplement. Correcting the imbalances in our diet can go a long way to correcting imbalances in our brain.

Kids and Depression–Basic Support

Growing children’s brains need special nutrients to help them function optimally. Yet many of them are missing some key factors that never make it there: good fats. After all, the brain is 60% fat. Making sure this fat is from sources like nuts, avocadoes, local meat and eggs, as opposed to from fast food, makes a big difference. Fish oils have been shown effective for ADHD, Autism, anxiety, and depression, In fact, in Europe, fish oil capsules are used as a pharmaceutical drug for treatment of depression. Feeding the brain its normal food, not drugs, helps it function normally. Certain fish oils have specifically been formulated for pregnant moms, babies, and children.

Kids and Depression–Pregnant Moms and Antidepressant Drugs

Many women know that their pregnant friends may be going through some struggles. But, did you know that 1 in 6 pregnant women is diagnosed with depression? And women who are on antidepressant medications may not be told that there is any harm to their unborn baby. We would never give antidepressants to a newborn, but that is exactly what happens when pregnant or nursing moms take these drugs, which can cause delayed growth and sluggishness in the infant, or even infant death, while providing somewhat negligible results for the mom. Parents want the best medicines with no side effects: that’s homeopathy!