Category: <span>Blog</span>

A Feminine Approach to Fertility 3–homeopathy in fertility

When we use homeopathy to help women, however, we
tend to see their menses starting to occur at more regular intervals. For
example, if a woman’s cycle ranges from 35 days to over 45 days, over the next
several months she can expect her cycle to appear every 30 to 35 days. By the
time a year or two has passed, she should be having cycles every month. Even
women who haven’t had a cycle for months or even years just need some gentle
support and they, too, can regain normal balance. Sometimes women come off of
the contraceptive pill and it may take them up to a year to regain normal
cycles. With the right homeopathic remedy, they can get their period in a few
short weeks or months. This is particularly good to hear if they are hoping to
have children. Women who have debilitating cramps, who must seclude themselves
in bed or away from family, who cry or are irritable, are soon able to rejoin
their families and live their life, allmonth long. Premenstrual migraine headaches can resolve naturally,                                                                                           with the support of herbs, vitamins like magnesium, and the right homeopathic medicine.
So if PMS or other hormonal imbalance is affecting you, take charge without
drugs. Your body knows how to have healthy cycles on its own; it just needs a
gentle reminder!


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A Feminine Approach to Fertility 2–Contraceptives and Fertility

Conventional treatment for premenstrual syndrome or menstrual irregularities is limited to contraceptives (‘the pill’ or others) and antidepressants. However, contraceptives can never increase fertility and establish normal cycles as their purpose is exactly the opposite. Some women may begin to have regular cycles, and others may experience a decrease in their PMS symptoms. But when the drugs are removed, the woman is left with an even greater imbalance. Women also need be educated on the side effects of these drugs, which can include altered thyroid function, weight gain, depression, permanently lowered libido, and increased susceptibility to yeast infections. They also significantly increase the risk of cervical cancer, though it may lower risk of other cancers. Women on these pills need to supplement with B vitamins, as the drug lowers natural levels of B vitamins.


The contraceptives prevent pregnancy by inhibiting the body’s release of certain hormones. Ironically, contraceptives are even used in women with erratic or irregular cycles in an effort to normalize them. What if there were a way to gently support your body through each phase of the monthly cycle? We wouldn’t expect someone to build healthy bones without adequate calcium, and the same is true for the hormonal system. It, too, requires specific nutrients to perform optimally like essential fats like fish oil and vitamins like vitamins A and B.

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A Feminine Approach to Fertility 1


As women we are nurturing, supportive, and encouraging. Our bodies deserve the same gentle care when it comes to our hormones. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) includes any symptom that occurs in the two weeks preceding a woman’s menses, with the most common symptoms being irritability, food cravings, headaches, bloating, and emotional sensitivity. Premenstrual syndrome is common, but it’s not in any way a necessary part of life. In fact, we find that small changes can make a big difference, turning what can be challenging years into a blessing of balance.

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Three Tips for a Meaningful Month–women’s health 5

These suggestions are simply part of a healthy lifestyle. The more health you add, the less disease you have, and the more balanced and powerful you become.

Julie Lachman, ND, is a licensed Naturopathic doctor and a Bucks County native. Her office is located in Doylestown, where her practice includes homeopathy, nutrition, and botanical medicine, or online at

Three Tips for a Meaningful Month–women’s health 4

Kick the cow: Ok, not literally, but at least one gynecologist found a significant association in her patients between the severity of their symptoms and the amount of dairy they consumed. Patients with the more severe concerns of cysts, tumors, infections, and other issues ate the most dairy. This could be for a number of reasons, including the hormones that are injected into the dairy cows to boost milk production. We also find that milk is associated with elevating testosterone in polycystic ovarian syndrome, causing things like irregular cycles and unwanted hair.