Category: <span>Blog</span>

Business Brain–food for money and success 1

Sometimes it may seem like your fingers typing or texting are the most important part of your business, but behind the fast fingers is the brain, controlling it all.

Keeping your brain in top shape helps you perform well in your business, now and for years to come. Just like every cell in the body, the brain requires a fresh supply of oxygen. Yet, many of us go through our day with our chest constricted, holding our breath. When you’re tired, frustrated, or stuck on a task, take a few deep belly breaths to resupply your brain. In fact, consider starting your day in the black with a few minutes of deep breathing every day. This has shown to provide increased energy as well and is beneficial to brain, skin, and every other cell in the body

Diet Like a Caveman 4

Think of the Native Americans—most of them did not farm, and the only milk they drank was mother’s milk as they didn’t have goats or cows around. It would be awfully difficult to go up to a grazing mother buffalo and try to get a drink. I imagine that one would get a swift kick instead of a creamy beverage. The problem with introduction of milk into our diets is that although our ability to herd and keep goats and cows has evolved, our genes have not. In fact 90% of the world’s adult population is lactose intolerant, and children’s ability to process lactose is significantly decreased after age 7. Although milk does have some health properties, its proteins are too big for our stomachs to process, and children and babies have the most difficulty due to their delicate digestive tracts. Calves have 4 stomachs and a completely different digestive tract, making cow’s milk, obviously, the best choice for them, not us.

Diet Like a Caveman 4

Farming and herding are relatively new in our history. After the last ice age 10,000 years ago, the northern hemisphere became warmer, and became a better climate for agriculture. Ten thousand years seems like a long time, but it’s only a second compared to our 3 million years or so of history. Check out for more information.

Diet Like a Caveman 2

In the Paleo Diet, people eat what our ancestors ate: meat, eggs, nuts, all types of seafood, and all types of fruits, vegetables, and tubers (root vegetables). Some anthropologists also believe that prehistoric (pre-agriculture) peoples also ate beans and lentils, but others disagree. The Paleo principle is that sticking with what foods we are able to eat based on our genes will give us the best digestion of our food, and the best assimilation of the valuable nutrients in our food. Check out for more information.

Diet Likea Caveman 1

In recent years, the Paleo Diet has become very popular. If you haven’t heard of it, you’ve probably been buried under a bedrock. People on the Paleo diet claim to lose/balance weight, and feel better. Here’s what it’s all about. Our bodies have been evolving for thousands of years. And, for most of those years, we have been eating certain foods. Until recently (a few seconds in the day of humanity) we have not eaten certain foods that now dominate the American diet. Believe it or not, for most of our history we have not herded animals or farmed.  Check out for more information.