Category: <span>Blog</span>

Weight 1

Many people try to lose weight only to put it back on. One thing that they don’t know is that it actually takes 6 months at a new weight for your body to realize that weight as the new set point–the new normal. Our weight loss program includes follow-up visits and suggestions to help clients maintain that weight. After you reach the six month point, you will have a much easier time maintaining that weight for years to come

Winter health 2 and vitamin d deficiency

Even if you were outside a lot in the summer, your vitamin D level may still be low. And unless you take vitamin D in the winter, it could continue the downward spiral. Did you know that vitamin D is washed off with soap? Well, actually, it takes 24-28 hours for your body to convert the cholesterol in your skin (yes, cholesterol!) to the hormone vitamin D. When you wash with soap on the skin that has been exposed to vitamin D, you lose that. I have personally seen landscape workers who had low vitamin D, in the summer no less. So be sure to wash only with water the parts of your body that are exposed to the sun at least for 1-2 days.

Staying healthy in winter

Mom was right– wear your scarf. In Chinese Medicine, the cold air enters the body more easily at the neck. We call the acupuncture point located on the upper back ‘wind door’, indicating the ease at which people can get sick by cold air on this area. This is why turtlenecks and decorative scarves are worn in winter.

Gout and the kidney 2

Now we know that uric acid that is the issue in gout goes out of the body through the kidney. What if someone is dehydrated

and does not drink enough water? How could the uric acid get out if he doesn’t drink enough water? The answer is he can’t and gout is a result. We also look it how to support the kidney so that it can function normally. If someone is drinking enough water, the kidney should be able to get rid of the acid. If it can’t we support the kidney with foods that benefit it. For example, fish oil is very supportive to the kidney. So are parsley, and dandelion leaf.

We can also look at herbs taken in a capsule that support the kidney and urinary tract, like cranberry and juniper. Your Naturopath or herbalist can help come up with a formula that can address your specific needs.

Gout and the Kidney

Thousands of people in the US have gout. Fortunately, not only is this preventable, it is also reversible! That’s right! First, let’s go over what causes gout. Gout is caused when too much uric acid builds up in the body. Uric acid comes from protein we eat and should be disposed of by the kidney. If the kidney can’t dispose of the uric acid, then it builds up in the body.

Medical doctors try their best to help those with gout by giving a drug that lowers uric acid levels. Read the next post to see how Naturopathic doctors can help you resole these symptoms for good.