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How do Naturopathy/Naturopathic medicine work? 2

When your Naturopath recommends something to help with your symptom, she is recommending something that helps with your overall health. That is the only way that we truly get better. So if your symptom is your skin, but your Naturopath recommends something

that she says helps your liver, it is because the liver processes toxins that for you aren’t getting processed and are coming out the skin, literally.We have symptoms because something in the body is not working correctly, but the symptom usually isn’t where the problem is.

How does Naturopathy work?

This is a common issue for natural health consumers. Natural health consumers want to know how things work and ask a lot of questions. They will ask their medical doctor questions also. However, for many drugs, scientists don’t actually know how the drug works. Many drugs we find out how the work by accident. For example, Viagra used to be a heart drug, and so did Rogaine. But, now we have other uses for them.

In comparison, we don’t know exactly how many natural products work, but what we look at is data over the past hundreds or thousands of years, to see what different herbs or compounds have been successfully used for.

Water, water everywhere

Why is it so important to drink water when you are sick or exposed to others who may become sick? Water lines our respiratory passages, and our digestive tract. Both of those organ systems are our main defense against germs. If those systems are dry and unhealthy, it’s easier to let germs take hold. Plus, we tend to get dehydrated in winter because the air is drier and we have the heat on. Outdoor winter activities can be just as dehydrating as those in the summer.

Immunity in the winter

Washing your hands can help get rid of the germs that are around, but how can you support your immune system? Fortunately, there are many ways to do this!

–make sure your vitamin D level is around 80, but not higher than 100. Studies have shown that this is the optimal level. In fact, some people’s asthma resolves when the vitamin D level gets to 80, which is the normal level

–eat brightly colored veggies and fruits. We have an abundance of pumpkins and squashes in the winter. They are loaded with Vitamin A, which, in fact, is anti-viral, and therefore supports your immunity.

Season of Germs 2

Like I said in the prior post, it’s only normal to get sick once per year or so. However, you can take some small measures to keep your body healthy. Remember to wash your hands before you eat. And remember to stay hydrated. The secretions in your nose and respiratory passages help keep germs away, but they only function normally when you are hydrated.