Category: <span>Blog</span>

How much vitamin D is enough?

It’s reassuring that people are getting their vitamin D levels checked and taking vitamin D as needed. Yet they wonder if they are in the sun and taking vitamin D also, can you get too much? The answer is yes and no. If your vitamin D level is over 100, that is too much. However, being out in the sun will never put the vitamin D level over 100. Your body will regulate it at around 80, which is the optimal level. That is the level that Peruvian lifeguards have. They do not have levels higher than that, and you won’t either. If you don’t need vit D, your body won’t make it, kind of like cholesterol….

How to handle BV (bacterial vaginosis)

Your medical doctor has done her best job to mitigate your symptoms when she prescribes an antibiotic or other drug. What we do naturopathically is support your normal immune system and hormone system so that the bacteria that are found in BV don’t want to hang out in your body. No drug can do this, but homeopathy, nutrition, botanical medicine, and other tools can. We also need to balance your female hormones, as BV tends to occur because there is some imbalance. This can manifest as irregular cycles, PMS, cramps, or other symptoms. To truly kick the BV, please see a homeopath, naturopath, or acupuncturist, who can actually help you be healthier.

Thyroid options 2

2. The second type of thyroid dysfunction is called Grave’s disease. This is also an autoimmune disease, meaning that the immune system has turned against the body and is attacking the thyroid. Symptoms are weight loss, fluid in the legs, and bulging eyes. This is followed by symptoms of low thyroid after the gland has been partially destroyed. Like most autoimmune diseases, this condition is also more common in women and will only really occur if menses are off or there is any sort of PMS or irregular cycle. By balancing out the cycles we normalize the immune system and stop its attack on the body, naturally. I have seen major improvements in symptoms of Grave’s disease without having to surgically or radioactively destroy the thyroid. If you do destroy the gland, you will need replacement hormones for the rest of your life. Think carefully and consider Naturopathy.

Thyroid options

One of the most common concerns I see in the Naturopathic clinic is thyroid issues. There are a couple of different types of thyroid issues:

1. hypothyroidism. This is the most common type of thyroid disease, and 80% of those with hypothyroidism have/had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, in which the body attacks its own thyroid. I only see this in women with irregular menses or hormonal imbalances; therefore, balancing the hormones is key to stopping this attack. Endocrinologists will put a person with Hashimoto’s on thyroid replacement, but they are unable to balance the female hormones and stop the autoiummune destruction of the thyroid (Hashimoto’s). Naturopathically there is a lot we can do to balance hormones and support the thyroid.

A woman gets sick after sex: chills, pain in the kidneys.

Do the symptoms only appear after sex? This was a question that was asked of me.Here is my response:

Symptoms after sex many times respond to a homeopathic remedy called staphasagria. You can purchase this for less than $10 by calling 1-800-homeopaty (1-800- 466-3672) and requesting staphasagria 30c. She should take 3 pellets daily. I anticipate this will resolve in the next few weeks. She still should get a check-up but I doubt that will show anything abnormal. Homeopathy normalizes the body’s response to stressors or changes, like sex, especially if you are with a new partner or are newly married.